Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jessica 28.09.88 - 07.05.08

We had a sad day on Wednesday when our beautiful, but very old, burmese cat Jessica passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was 19 yrs and 7 months old! We have never had a cat live so long and years ago I used to say she would be the matriarch of the house bossing any pets and children around and she certainly lived up to this. In her younger days Jess was the scourge of the household as far as previous pets were concerned, and she'd outlived a few. Her main purpose in life was to inflict as much terror on them as possible and we'd always find her "innocently" sitting behind a door waiting for her next victim to emerge. She never really slowed down until she was about 14 when our other cat Chloe died. She still had her moments, getting into a memorable fight with a neighbour's Siamese which resulted in her losing an incisor, no doubt embedded into the Siamese. She even still had a hold over Coco and Charlotte, our current cat and dog who are both 2 yrs old. She couldn't do or see much towards the end but was still definately "the boss". For the last couple of years we had been checking her when she was asleep to see if she was still breathing so it was a bit of shock to find that this time she wasn't! She is buried in her favourite spot in our front garden with a little cat statue guarding over her. We will miss you xxx


Danielle D said...

Oh, dear old kitty. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad that she went peaefully, but it's never easy to lose an old friend like that.

Gail Kirby said...

Hi Danielle,

Thanks for your kind words. I am so thankful that she died in her sleep but the way she just kept on going we really did think she would live forever! How are yours going?

Take care